Newcastle Aikikai
Saku Shin Kan Dojo
Newcastle Aikido (Saku Shin Kan) is an intense, yet highly supportive environment providing instruction in the martial arts of Aikido and Iaido, and the Zen Buddhist practice of Zazen meditation. We focus on the principles of becoming Centered, Open, Lively, Whole and Connected.
Located in cosmopolitan Hamilton, we have over 30 hours of classes per week available, up to five times per day, with classes specifically aimed at beginners, intermediate and advanced students.
Black belt or white, we aim to practise with ‘Shoshin’ .. meaning: beginner’s mind, or “unstained mind”. We welcome beginners and experienced students alike, from all styles and denominations, to practise in a progressive and mindful way.

Darius Wingate-Pearse
Wingate-Pearse Sensei has been involved in martial arts for almost 30 years, having casually studied Taekwondo, Karate, Kung Fu, Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
He has trained exclusively in Aikido since 2000, training and teaching full -time since 2005, and is ranked Godan (fifth degree black belt), via world Aikido headquarters, Hombu Dojo, in Tokyo, Japan. He is also a certified Shidoin (internationally-recognised teacher).
His training has included studying overseas as an uchideshi (full-time, live-in student) for approximately one year with Aikido master, TK Chiba Shihan, in 2005/06.