Darius Wingate-Pearse Shidoin
Chief Instructor Of Newcastle Aikikai
Darius Wingate-Pearse has been involved in martial arts for almost 30 years, having studied TaeKwonDo, Karate, Kung Fu, Mui Thai and Brazilian Ju Jitsu.
He has been training exclusively in Aikido since 2000 and is ranked Godan (fifth degree black belt) After training with Colin Hackett sensei for 6 years, Darius sensei studied overseas with arguably one of the best Aikido masters in the world, T.K.Chiba Shihan for 10 months, full-time, as a live-in student.
Darius has a high level of teaching experience and has taught at seminars in Australia, the UK as well as teaching in Bolivia and Peru. He is also a certified Shidoin (internationally-recognised teacher).
Matt Teale Shidoin
Chief Instructor Of Adelaide Aikido
Matt Teale (6th Dan so Hombu) started his training in 1986 at Birmingham and Aston University (UK) with Chris Mooney Shihan (6th Dan) before studying full time for 1 year in the Teacher Training Course under T.K. Chiba (8th Dan) in San Diego. On returning to Europe he moved to Greece where he was one of the founders of the Hellenic Birankai, acting as its Chairman for 8 years before leaving for Adelaide.

Alexis Berthot Sensei
Chief Instructor Of TaiZenKan dojo
Alexis Berthot (3rd Dan so Hombu) has trained in Aikido for over 17 years and is a qualified black belt in both Aikikai and Kokikai traditions of Aikido. He has trained at the University of New South Wales Dojo under the instructions of Sensei Allen Iu (6th Dan Kokikai) and at the Central Coast Aikikai RenshinKan Dojo under Sensei Colin Hackett (6th dan Aikikai so Hombu). Alexis is the head instructor at the TaiZenKan dojo in Erina Central Coast. Alexis grew up in France and practised Judo as a child. He is now also cross-training in Judo at the Judo Central Coast Erina dojo. Alexis works in coastal and oceanography science and consulting. Some of his other passions include surfing and windsurfing.